Fall 2024
Creative Writing Class, Grades 3-4
Leah Silberman
8 class sessions, 1.5 hours per class (12 hours of instruction)
Exploring Animal Worlds: Informative Writing, Grades 3-4
Alicia Kuhn Piantanida
8 class sessions, 1.5 hours per class (12 hours of instruction)
Personal Narrative: Telling Your Story, Grades 5-6
Sarah Tatro
8 class sessions, 1.5 hours per class (12 hours of instruction)
“Really?” “Yeah; Here’s Why”: Argumentative Critical Thinking and Composition, Grades 5-6
Ilona Missakian
8 class sessions, 1.5 hours per class (12 hours of instruction)
Taylor Swift: Informative and Argumentative Writing, Grades 6-8
Jodi Bonk
8 class sessions, 1.5 hours per class (12 hours of instruction)
College Essay Workshop, Grades 10-12
Michelle Reigstad
8 class sessions, 1.5 hours per class (12 hours of instruction)