Note: Remember to enroll your student in the grade level they will be in for Fall 2024.
Young writers, Grades 1-6
Taught by our team of highly trained and credentialed educators, these courses motivate and engage students in writing while fostering their writing skills. Interactive and hands-on lessons use model texts, explore writing genres, address critical thinking skills, and connect them with their peers. Opportunities for small group tutoring provide students with targeted instruction and attention so they can grow and develop their talents as writers!
Students will:
Students will:
- Practice pre-writing methods to develop ideas
- Write descriptive, narrative, opinion, and informational texts
- Share their writing with a small peer group
- Revise, edit, and publish their work
Emerging writers, grades 7-8, 9-10 (Irvine only)
Designed to enhance and enrich academic skills, these courses provide a supportive learning environment for students of all ability levels. Experienced, credentialed teachers guide student learning using research-based best practices to promote critical thinking skills and develop students' identities as writers. Interactive strategies engage students in the writing process from generating, planning, and organizing their ideas to drafting, sharing, revising, and editing their writing. Small class sizes are an optimal setting to ensure individualized feedback in specific skills.
Students will:
Students will:
- Generate ideas for writing through pre-writing techniques
- Write in various genres including poetry, narrative, informational, and argument
- Collaborate with other emerging writers
- Revise, edit, and publish their work for an authentic, real-world audience
ARGUMENT WRITING, GRADES 5-6 (Red Hill) and 6-8 (Irvine, Tustin, and orange)
This workshop taught by a highly trained instructor introduces students to the foundations of argument writing. Critical thinking skills will be developed through the analysis of literary and nonfiction texts, the evaluation of multiple perspectives, the use of debate strategies, and the application of the structures of argument. Students will also explore methods for evaluating the credibility of information and the reliability of sources they find online. Small class size provides an optimal learning environment for students to receive targeted instruction and develop academic writing.
Students will:
Students will:
- Practice the components of writing: thesis/claims, evidence, commentary, transitions, and organization
- Analyze and respond to literature
- Participate in a mock trial
- Evaluate sources and use MLA format and citation
- Summarize informational texts
Young Math/Science, Grades 1-6
The Young Math/Science Workshops offer students the opportunity to further develop higher level thinking skills in an interactive learning environment and small group setting. Experienced and credentialed teachers use research-based best practices to promote students' understanding of foundational mathematical and scientific principles. Hands-on activities, such as making charts and diagrams, finding patterns, estimating, and building models, employ logical reasoning and foster problem solving strategies. Coursework aligns with Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core Mathematical Standards.
Students will:
Students will:
- Practice Common Core mathematical skills and critical thinking skills
- Explore connections across the domains of science: physical science, life science, earth and space science, and engineering design
Emerging Math/Science, Grades 7-8 (irvine only)
Our experienced and credentialed instructor uses a combination of synchronous digital instruction, simulation, and hands-on applications to engage students in applying mathematic and scientific principles. Virtual and augmented reality tools, along with concept simulations, allow for an interactive and highly engaging experience while students tackle challenging cognitive work. Crosscutting concepts outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core Mathematics Standards are addressed.
This course supports the following standards:
This course supports the following standards:
- Next Generation Science Standards, Grades 7-8
- Common Core Mathematics Standards, Grades 7-8